torek, 5. januar 2010




The time is now - change never came and will never come by itself.
The time is now - to step out of the darkness, that subconscious becomes conscious.
The time is now - to stop lying to ourselfs, that everything is ok, to stop beliving we don't have the power. There is no democracy. Our president will not help us, so will not the preimer or any government person or government - to belive that they will, is an illusion. It is all in our hands. Maybe you think, that you alone can't do anything. But, are you aware you are not alone? Don't let fear be your guide but the fact, that there are 50 milion people out there, that think the same as you, and they expressed that with signing the petition for the change of the world political structure, and the number is increasing every day. Here is your proof, you are not alone.
The time is now - to say ENOUGH, to stop supporting the system, that is destroying and not building; the system, that is humiliating us and not encouraging; the system, that's making slaves out of us and not free people.
Let 12 and 13. march be the day, when you wil express your disaproval of the existing system. This should not be just resistance because of resistance, but an expression of your right to freedom, and the raise of your voice: "My life has value!". The time is now.

I'm inviting you to join me on 12 and 13.3.2011 on Preseren's square in Ljubljana (Slovenia), where the people from Zeitgeist Slovenia will join us and the makers of The Venus Project. In peaceful manner we will express our dissatisfaction with the existing leaders and their way of governance. At the same time all the television stations will be invited to film the gathering, so Slovenia will see, that there exists a desire for changing the regime and political mechanisms, whose purpose is only destruction. So i'm asking you, brothers and sisters, that on 12 and 13.3.2011, you step together with The Zeitgeist movement and express your will for freedom and better life and the support for The Venus project.

It is time for a change.

For Z-Day,

Zeitgeist Slovenia.

Z-DAY V LJUBLJANI (PREŠERNOV TRG), 12 in 13.3. 2011, OB 11:00


Dragi prijatelji!

Čas je sedaj - spremembe nikoli niso in nikoli ne bodo prišle same od sebe.
Čas je sedaj - da pridemo iz teme, da podzavestno postane zavestno.
Čas je sedaj - da si prenehamo lagati, da je vse vredu, da prenehamo verjeti, da nimamo moči. Demokracije ni. Naš predsednik nam ne bo pomagal, niti premier, niti katerakoli vladna oseba ali katerakoli vlada - verjeti, da nam bodo, je iluzija. Vse je v naših rokah. Morda mislite, da sami ne zmorete nič. Ampak, a se zavedate, da niste sami? Naj ne bo strah vaše vodilo, temveč dejstvo, da po svetu 50 milijonov ljudi misli enako kot vi, kar so pokazali tudi s podpisom peticije za spremembo svetovne politične strukture, število pa narašča iz dneva v dan. Tu imate dokaz, da niste sami.
Čas je sedaj - da rečemo DOVOLJ, da prenehamo podpirati sistem, ki uničuje in ne gradi; sistem, ki ponižuje in ne vzpodbuja; sistem, ki dela iz nas sužnje in ne svobodne ljudi.
Naj bo 12 in13. marec dan, ko boste pokazali svoje negodovanje, nesprejemanje obstoječega sistema. Naj ne bo to zgolj upor zaradi upora, naj bo to izraz vaše pravice do svobode, naj bo to dvig vašega glasu: "Moje življenje ima vrednost!". Čas je sedaj.

Vabim vas, da se mi 12 in 13.3.2011 pridružite na Prešernovem trgu v Ljubljani, kjer bodo z nami tudi vsi iz Zeitgeist družbe Slovenia in snovalci projekta The Venus project. Z mirnim protestom bomo izrazili nezadovoljstvo nad obstoječimi voditelji in načinom njihovega vladanja. Hkrati bodo povabljene tudi vse televizijske postaje, in to z namenom, da se celotni Sloveniji pokaže, da obstaja želja po spremembi režima in izgrajenih političnih mehanizmov, katerih namen je le uničevanje. Zato vas prosim, bratje in sestre, da skupaj s Zeitgeist movementom 15. marca 2011 stopimo skupaj in izrazimo svojo voljo po svobodi in boljšem življenju in da podpremo The Venus Project.

Čas je za spremembo.

Za Z-Day,

Zeitgeist Slovenia.

Teorija je, ko se vse ve, a nič ne funkcionira. Praksa je, ko vse funkcionira, a nobeden ne ve zakaj. (Albert Einstein)

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